Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Love (I Guess this one is for Valentines Day)

Feb.7, 2010  Sunday

I wasn't going to post this writing.  Perhaps I thought some might think me crazy or just weird and flaky (but I should be used to that by now)
Something told me this vision was intended for more than just me.

Today, in church, as we sang praises to God, I closed my eyes and saw a multitude stretching out as far as the natural eye could see and beyond.  They were all singing one song. A song of praise to God.  As the sound rose each individual could be clearly heard.  each persons voice was clear and yet all blended together perfectly.   The most extraordinary thing I have ever heard.  And the Holy Spirit told me what it was.  The sound rising up to the throne of God was composed of individual acts of Love.  Millions upon millions.  Love rising up.  That was what I was witnessing.  Each unique, each a gift.  Each singer a frail human spirit with it's own broken beauty.  I wish I could paint that picture.  I'll hold it in my heart, a promise.  But it was not some time in the far distant future, some fantasy land far off.  I see it clearly.  It is now.

1 comment:

  1. That's very cool, Dave. Thanks for sharing this prophetic vision. And yes if you could paint the picture, that would be cool too! Remind me to share a book with you called The Lion Of Judah (I think that is the title).

    John Comber
